Friday, October 7, 2011

Hot Herp Saftey

      The article i read was called Hot Herp Safety by: Jessie Black, it talks about how you should take care and be careful with venomous snakes such as the "king cobra". The tips Jessie gives in his article are very good,and we use most of the same things as he says in our Project based science class. If you own a cobra or some other venomous snake, A good idea would be to give the cobra a hide box, they love small tight dark spots and its also good when your cleaning the cage. NEVER! come at a cobra fast when doing something in the cage, Murphy's law says "anything that can go wrong will go wrong".Top opening cages are not such a good idea, custom built cages are much better with faster  snakes. When opening the cage to Feed the snake or take out old skin, the best thing to use is tongs and make sure your crack the cage ope a Little bit only enough room for the snake to get its food.Make sure you have a extra cage or better a extra bin to put the snake in while your cleaning the cage. Jessie black covers a big thing in his article, make sure on your snakes cage you have a label saying " WARNING! snake is venomous and will bite". If bit by a cobra make sure you have sources to anti-venom drugs to save your life, E.Rs o not carry anti-venom so make sure you have sources to some and bring it to the E.R with you don't inject yourself. Remember don't get a venomous snake if you cant Handel it.

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