Friday, September 30, 2011

Green Anaconda

       The green anaconda is most familiar to people as the largest snake in the world. It has been recorded to be 7.9 meters long(25.9 Ft).It lives in south America in the swamps, it's a non venomous snake the way it kills its prey is by the strong muscles it has, it suffocates it till the heart stops pumping blood. There very good climbers so it's a good technique they use, hiding in the trees and sneaking up on the prey. The snake can eat large mammals if it gets the chance, if the snake can get ahold of a white tail deer, thats a large meal and it can go up to a year after that without eating. John Thorbjarnarson an environmentalist describes the anaconda as a "secretive" snake, you never know were it is and the mood it has because of its abilities. These anacondas can probably feed on mice or rats, but they wont get nothing out of it thats like humans eating a peanut, and it's not good enough to feed our hunger. Green anacondas need wild boars, deer, turtles and chickens. The green anaconda is obviously Green it runs with black blotches on its body with a yellowish head. when the anacondas try to mate they do it in the rainy season it takes about 6-months for the  process, to get to the females the males have to put up a slow motion wrestling match the females make them do, it takes up to 4 weeks the stronger males usually beat the larger females,but if not they pick a male that can defend the family. When the female gives birth its about to 12 eggs and the baby snakes are about 2 feet long. Remember Anacondas aren't very mean to humans but when there hungry they'll squeeze the organs out of you.

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